Tuesday, 15 September 2015


I had earlier applied to a prestigious institution to pursue Masters in Philosophy, as luck is always in my favor I was down with an accident and could not attend the interview. Now that I haven't made it up there, below I share with you the outrageous statement of purpose(word limit of 1500-2000) I had mailed them which prompted them to call me for an interview.

Statement of Purpose

Having born MAD (Mentally Artistically Designed), I find it difficult to express myself in 1500-2000 words as all the other brilliant minds from India would do. Beseeching your apologies, for I am a man of few words and as long as the message has been conveyed it is not my state of the art to ramble unnecessary explanations.

Candidly speaking I have no interest in any of the capitalist dictated conventional profession and I do not believe in getting education for a profession. Maybe this is why the study of philosophy interests me or maybe it is an existential lethargy, scorn and sarcasm for a senseless society that fails to understand that life is short and all these routines they are enslaved to benefits nobody.

Maybe I belong to that unique specimen of creation who is bound to search out meaning, truths and, suffer loneliness and be ostracised. One can call it an abnormality or consider it a disease, maybe a virus worth growing. Given an opportunity, I firmly believe "XYZ" University can turn into a flourishing ground for viruses like me and enrich me with new ideas and also serve as a forum for me, to share and experience the scope of various ideas in and off my mind. Being a part of this institution can be challenging for me which I believe will help break me and reshape me. Further statements of purpose will sound circumlocutory so I believe sharing my interests and nature will give you an opportunity to have an understanding about me and subject me to your expert analysis.

I am a writer, more of a poet, not simply because I can pen down a few verses but as I personally believe, it is a state of being where one has the conceit of truthfulness. It is the boldness to stand for what you believe, a state of fearlessness and most importantly not being a crowd pleaser. In very simple words-being a true human being. I personally do not feel influenced by any particular writer but I acquiesce with the ideas proposed and advocated by certain writers. My reads include works by existential writers such as Jean Paul Sartre, Franz Kafka, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Albert Camus; psychoanalyst such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung; spiritualist and art of living authors such as Osho, Alan Watts, Jaggi Vasudev, Russel Brand, TD Jakes and GK Chesterton; and I like the ideas or views proposed by Michel de Montaigne, Oscar Wilde and Karl Marxs. I also like writers of obscurity like Edgar Alan Poe and Howard Phillips Lovecraft . My favourite poets include John Keats, PB Shelly, Sylvia Plath, Edwin Arlington Robinson, Gregory Corso and John Berryman. And also some writers in my mother tongue Malayalam. The art forms I enjoy are Kathakali, Padayani, Bharatanatyam  and Performance Art.

Further about me, I am a Scatter Brain and sometimes find it hard to solve My Rubix Cube. I wouldn’t call myself intelligent as I am pretty bad with facts and figures but I have a very good sense of reason. I have the habit of doing weird word plays, redefining or differently presenting existing norms and making witty statements. To give a few instances,

·         Newspapers are the best collection of short stories one has ever read!
·         Meaning-Somebody’s definition to which you are a slave.
·         Perfect is that time bound state of mind when all reasons approve or when all reasons disapprove.
·         Morality is my neighbour’s uneasiness at my sense of freedom. 
·         Morality is just an excuse given to people for not trying something.
Also obscure word plays like
Mani n the Mira err E san Or fan - “Man in the mirror is an orphan”
D is a point ink – “Disappointing”
 Me Mori Ease – “Memories”

My manner of thought and behavior may seem unconventional but I learned to love my uniqueness though some people feel offended. I live for the moment because the little things in life really matters. As I come to an end of talking about myself I hope you get a picture of my weirdness and now I am in your hands to be scrutinized. Despite my few words, if you find me an eligible candidate I promise you, you will never resent your decision.  

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